When there is a gap between commitments of the same type, the fact should contain multiple records that show the accurate start and end date of each continuous commitment. An example of this is patid 1001 and when there is a continuation of the same status without a gap, it should be a single record.
CREATE TABLE #legal_data (
,dim_legalstat_key int -- dimensionkey
,[order_start_date] DATE
,[order_end_date] DATE
,[days_committed] int -- days between order_start_date & order_end_date
INSERT INTO #legal_data
----- desired result
CREATE TABLE #legal_Result (
,dim_legalstat_key int-- dimensionkey
,[order_start_date] DATE
,[order_end_date] DATE
,[days_committed] int --days between order_start_date & order_end_date
INSERT INTO #legal_Result
,('1842','77','2021-02-20','2023-12-20','1033') --not working
,('1661','22','2022-02-14','2023-03-23','402') ---
,('1553','4','2022-01-14','2022-02-12','29') --anything the
select * from #legal_data
select * from #legal_Result
I looked at the solution proposed by @dougp. It works well with "normally" ordered data. I think, problem is with "chaotically" ordered data such as this:
period1 ---------------------------
period2 -----
period3 ---------------------------
For this question, for example
Query result for this rows
ClaimID | dim_legalstat_key | order_start_date | order_end_date | days_committed |
2925 | 5 | 2022-12-10 | 2022-12-20 | 10 |
2925 | 5 | 2022-12-19 | 2022-12-29 | 10 |
Expected result
ClaimID | dim_legalstat_key | order_start_date | order_end_date | days_committed |
2925 | 5 | 2022-12-10 | 2022-12-29 | 19 |
Maybe the data is ordered "correctly" and there will be no such case.
This task is interesting. I see, my view of the solution would be similar to @dougp's solution. Seeing a possible error on the test data, I will propose a recursive solution for consideration.
with ndata as(
select ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key,order_start_date
,row_number()over(partition by ClaimId order by order_start_date) rn
from #legal_data
group by ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key,order_start_date
,r as( --Islands head rows
select rn headrow,rn,1 lvl,ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key
,cast(rn as varchar(1000)) rowlist
from ndata t1
where not exists
select * from ndata t2
where t2.ClaimId=t1.ClaimId and t2.rn<>t1.rn
and t2.dim_legalstat_key=t1.dim_legalstat_key
and t2.order_start_date<=t1.order_start_date
and t2.order_end_date>=t1.order_start_date
union all --iterate through all possible rows
select r.headrow,t2.rn,r.lvl+1 lvl,r.ClaimID,t2.dim_legalstat_key
,case when r.order_start_date<t2.order_start_date then r.order_start_date
else t2.order_start_date end order_start_date
,case when r.order_end_date>t2.order_end_date then r.order_end_date
else t2.order_end_date end order_end_date
,cast(concat(r.rowlist,',',cast(t2.rn as varchar)) as varchar(1000))rowlist
from r inner join ndata t2
on t2.ClaimId=r.ClaimId and t2.dim_legalstat_key=r.dim_legalstat_key
and r.rn<>t2.rn
and charindex(','+cast(t2.rn as varchar)+',',','+r.rowlist+',')=0
and t2.order_start_date>=r.order_start_date
and t2.order_start_date<=r.order_end_date
and lvl<100
select ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key
,min(order_start_date) order_start_date
,datediff(d,min(order_start_date),max(order_end_date)) days_committed
from r
group by ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key,headrow
order by ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key
For concatenated ranges (start_date=next day from end_date =end_date+1day) I'll add some checkings. (for example case with ClaimId 1842)
First CTE ndata
unite rows with the same start_date to 1 row.
Base part of recursion query r
selects first row from group of intersected or concatenated rows.
Recursive part of query consecutively combines
all other rows from this group.
Corrected query
with ndata as(
select ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key,order_start_date
,row_number()over(partition by ClaimId order by order_start_date) rn
from #legal_data
group by ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key,order_start_date
,r as(
select rn headrow,rn,1 lvl,ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key
,cast(rn as varchar(1000)) rowlist
from ndata t1
where not exists(
select * from ndata t2
where t2.ClaimId=t1.ClaimId and t2.rn<>t1.rn
and t2.dim_legalstat_key=t1.dim_legalstat_key
( t2.order_start_date<=t1.order_start_date
and t2.order_end_date>=t1.order_start_date
( -- concatenated date ranges
union all
select r.headrow,t2.rn,r.lvl+1 lvl,r.ClaimID,t2.dim_legalstat_key
,case when r.order_start_date<t2.order_start_date then r.order_start_date
else t2.order_start_date end order_start_date
,case when r.order_end_date>t2.order_end_date then r.order_end_date
else t2.order_end_date end order_end_date
,cast(concat(r.rowlist,',',cast(t2.rn as varchar)) as varchar(1000))rowlist
from r inner join ndata t2
on t2.ClaimId=r.ClaimId and t2.dim_legalstat_key=r.dim_legalstat_key
and r.rn<>t2.rn
and charindex(','+cast(t2.rn as varchar)+',',','+r.rowlist+',')=0
and t2.order_start_date>=r.order_start_date
and t2.order_start_date<=dateadd(day,1,r.order_end_date) -- concatenated date ranges
and lvl<100
-- select * from r;
select ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key
,min(order_start_date) order_start_date
,datediff(d,min(order_start_date),max(order_end_date)) days_committed
from r
group by ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key,headrow
order by ClaimID,dim_legalstat_key