const users = [
{id:1, email:""},
{id:2, email:""},
{....}(~70,000 objects)
function a(){
const id = 545
if( === id)
return true
We have 70,000 users' objects. we need to filter the email based on the id.
users= [{id: '1001', email: ""}, {{id: '1002', email: ""} , ..];
Using array and array.filter() ends up in the error.
what's the best way of approach for this?
It might be best to convert your array into a Map so that lookups can be made without scanning the entire array. As such:
const lookupMap = new Map( => [, u]));
so now you can
const user = lookupMap.get(userId)
without having to scan all 70000 user objects.