According to the documentation I setup my app to use NLog for logging:
IHost host = Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.UseServiceProviderFactory(new AutofacServiceProviderFactory())
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
webBuilder.UseSetting(WebHostDefaults.PreventHostingStartupKey, "true");
.ConfigureLogging((context, logging) =>
var configuration = context.Configuration.GetSection("NLog");
if (configuration.Exists())
NLog.LogManager.Configuration = new NLogLoggingConfiguration(configuration);
After the host
have been built the LogManager.Configuration
corresponds with NLog
section of my appsettings.json. But it contains null
within a controller, so the controller doesn't write logs. The log contains only the following records:
2022-02-21 10:16:46.6273 INFO Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime Now listening on: ...
2022-02-21 10:16:46.6498 INFO Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
2022-02-21 10:16:46.6498 INFO Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime Hosting environment: Development
2022-02-21 10:16:46.6498 INFO Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime Content root path: ...
Interesting the internal log says the logger had been shut down before host was stopped:
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8017 Info Auto loading assembly file: ...\bin\Debug\net5.0\NLog.Extensions.Logging.dll
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8017 Info Loading assembly file: ...\bin\Debug\net5.0\NLog.Extensions.Logging.dll
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8187 Info NLog.Extensions.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c. File version: Product version: 1.7.4+e2bffa9e949fb4760d75aca224e78631c063f087. GlobalAssemblyCache: False
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8187 Info Auto loading assembly file: ...\bin\Debug\net5.0\NLog.Extensions.Logging.dll succeeded!
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8187 Info Auto loading assembly file: ...\bin\Debug\net5.0\NLog.Web.AspNetCore.dll
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8284 Info Loading assembly file: ...\bin\Debug\net5.0\NLog.Web.AspNetCore.dll
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8284 Info NLog.Web.AspNetCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c. File version: Product version: 4.14.0+18bbcdbd5bd13b4565c32d72e09502b7ca6c71d4. GlobalAssemblyCache: False
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8284 Info Auto loading assembly file: ...\bin\Debug\net5.0\NLog.Web.AspNetCore.dll succeeded!
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8284 Info Message Template Auto Format enabled
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8549 Info Adding target FileTarget(Name=file)
2022-02-21 10:16:35.8634 Info Validating config: TargetNames=file, ConfigItems=18
2022-02-21 10:16:46.6575 Info AppDomain Shutting down. Logger closing...
2022-02-21 10:16:46.6575 Info Logger has been shut down.
Why it writes "AppDomain Shutting down" when the app is continuing to execute?
The logging works fine if I use nlog.config instead of appsettings.json, but I have to configure NLog with appsettings.json. So, I need your help to fix the issue.
You can configure NLog to depend on lifetime of the Microsoft LoggerFactory like this:
.ConfigureLogging((context, logging) =>
NLog.LogManager.AutoShutdown = false; // Unhook from AppDomain, to depend on host
var configuration = context.Configuration.GetSection("NLog");
if (configuration.Exists())
NLog.LogManager.Configuration = new NLogLoggingConfiguration(configuration);
.UseNLog(new NLogAspNetCoreOptions() { ShutdownOnDispose = true }) // Depend on Host
The important settings are AutoShutdown
and ShutdownOnDispose
. When using NLog.Web.AspNetCore v5.0 then the settings will be configured by default.