This function is to filter an observable off all message from my friend list (onlineUserModel) and to get an observable of type string; lastMessage of each friend
getLastMessage(onlineUserModel : OnlineUserModel): Observable<string>{
var messagesFriend= this.allDirectMessages$.pipe(map(x => x.filter(f=>f.fromOnlineUser.userName==onlineUserModel.userName)));
this.lastMessage$ = czt.pipe(map(last()))
return ...;
lastMessage is Obserbable of string from DirectMessage.messageModel.content; it is a string because if the message is a picture or voice i create a standard message; you have recieved a picture or ...
lastMessage$ : Observable<string>
allDirectMessages$ : Observable<DirectMessage[]>
class="user-list mt-2"
*ngFor="let onlineusermodel of onlineUsersModel$ | async"
<li class="user-list-item">
<div class="avatar avatar-online">
<div class="users-list-body">
{{ onlineusermodel.userName }}
<div class="last-chat-time">
<small class="text-muted">05 min</small>
count: getUserNotification(onlineusermodel) | async
} as data"
<div class="new-message-count" *ngIf="data.count > 0">
{{ data.count }}
<!-- {{ getUserNotification(onlineusermodel) | async }} -->
this is DirectMessage which contain fromOnlineUser
import { MessageViewModel } from "./messageViewModel";
import { OnlineUserModel } from "./onlineUserModel";
export class DirectMessage {
public fromOnlineUser: OnlineUserModel | null = {
userName: "",
email: "",
firstname: "",
profilePic: "",
isProfileComplete: "",
isActive: "",
public messages = "";
public messageModel: MessageViewModel = {
content: "",
timestamp: "",
from: null,
to: null,
avatar: "",
attachement: "",
fileSize: "",
fileNameSaved: "",
Assuming they this.allDirectMessages$
emits an array of all dms in chronological order, I would think all you would need would be:
getLastMessage$({ userName }: OnlineUserModel) {
return this.allDirectMessages$.pipe(
map<DirectMessage[], DirectMessage>((dms: DirectMessage[]) => {
const index: number = dms.lastIndexOf(
({fromOnlineUser}: DirectMessage) => fromOnlineUser.userName === userName
if (index === -1) {
return null;
} else {
return dms[index];
map<DirectMessage, string>(this. getMsgFromDirectMsg)
... assuming this.allDirectMessages$
always completes. If it doesn't complete then the returned observable should also pipe takeUntil(this.destroy$)
where destroy$
is a private Subject<void>
and there's an ngOnDestroy of
ngOnDestroy(): void {
const d$ = this.destroy$;
if (d$) {
Also, I couldn't tell how to get an actual string from a Directmessage
, so I don't know what this.getMsgFromDirectMsg
should look like.