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How to edit embed field value in Discord.js V13

So I am trying to edit one field in an embed. The fetched embed looks like this:

MessageEmbed {
  type: 'rich',
  title: null,
  description: null,
  url: null,
  color: 5763719,
  timestamp: null,
  fields: [
    { name: 'Suggestie', value: 'test1', inline: false },
    { name: 'Status', value: 'Open', inline: true },
    { name: 'ID', value: 'SPogb', inline: true },
    { name: 'User ID', value: '291272018773671937', inline: true },
      name: 'Opmerking van staff:',
      value: 'Geen opmerking',
      inline: false
  thumbnail: null,
  image: null,
  video: null,
  author: {
    name: 'Nigel#7777',
    url: undefined,
    iconURL: '',
    proxyIconURL: ''
  provider: null,
  footer: null

I am trying to edit the Status field value from Open to Approved, but I have no idea how to achieve this. I currently have:

const kanaal = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(config.kanalen.suggestieKanaal)
        const ID = interaction.options.getString('id');
        let correcteSuggest;
        kanaal.messages.fetch({limit: 50}).then(messages => {
            const botMessages = messages.filter(msg =>;
            botMessages.forEach(msg => {
                if(msg.embeds[0].fields[2].value === interaction.options.getString('id')) {
                    correcteSuggest = msg;
            // correcteSuggest.edit(embeds[0].fields[1] = ({name: "Status", value: "Approved", inline: true}))
            // const editedEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(correcteSuggest.embeds[0]).fields[3]


The commented stuff I tried but did not seem to work. I have seen other people get the embed and do like .setDescription, but I don't know how that would work with .setField since there are more then one fields.


  • Fixed this by doing:

    correcteSuggest.embeds[0].fields.find(f => === "Status").value = "Approved";
    correcteSuggest.edit({embeds: [correcteSuggest.embeds[0]]})