I'm using the CheerioGS
ID → 1ReeQ6WO8kKNxoaA_O0XEQ589cIrRvEBA9qcWpNqdOP17i47u6N9M5Xh0
Project → https://github.com/tani/cheeriogs
My full code (I added it in its entirety so that they can use it in tests):
function importdataweb() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Page_One');
sheet.getRange('A1:Z' + sheet.getMaxRows()).clear({contentsOnly: true, skipFilteredRows: true});
const url = 'http://www.futebolnatv.com.br/jogos-hoje/';
const contentText = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
const $ = Cheerio.load(contentText);
let elements = $('tbody > tr > th > h4 > b')
elements.each((index, value) => {
sheet.getRange(index+1, 1).setValue($(value).text().trim())
let elements_1 = $('tbody > tr > td > div:nth-child(1)')
elements_1.each((index, value) => {
sheet.getRange(index+1, 2).setValue($(value).text().trim())
let elements_2 = $('tbody > tr > td > div:nth-child(2)')
elements_2.each((index, value) => {
sheet.getRange(index+1, 3).setValue($(value).contents().last().text().trim())
let elements_3 = $('tbody > tr > td > div:nth-child(3)')
elements_3.each((index, value) => {
sheet.getRange(index+1, 4).setValue($(value).contents().last().text().trim())
let elements_4 = $('tbody > tr > td b:nth-child(2)')
elements_4.each((index, value) => {
sheet.getRange(index+1, 5).setValue($(value).text().trim())
Some values in the last column for some reason are not collected, so the position of some of these values in the worksheet is in the wrong place.
For example: If the first value is not collected but the second is, the second will be in row 1 of the column, then it would be wrong.
How could I add a dash -
in the lines that the value is not collected?
let data = [];
let rows = $('tbody > tr');
rows.each((i, row) => {
const newDataRow = [
$(row).find('th > h4 > b').text().trim(),
$(row).find('td > div:nth-child(1)').text().trim(),
$(row).find('td > div:nth-child(2)').contents().last().text().trim(),
$(row).find('td > div:nth-child(3)').contents().last().text().trim(),
$(row).find('td b:nth-child(2)').text().trim(),
// fill empty values
data = data.map(row => row.map(el => el ? el : '-'));
// write values to sheet
const startRow = 1;
const startCol = 1;
const numRows = data.length;
const numCols = data[0].length;
sheet.getRange(startRow, startCol, numRows, numCols).setValues(data);
Changes made for part after you load Cheerio object:
) back to sheet in 1 request, to reduce script execution time and improve performance.let rows = $('tbody > tr')
) with Cheerio, to be able to combine values you need for each row so it can be displayed as a row in a spreadsheet.Second change is more important, as it gives you ability to work with your data per row basis later, like sort, filter etc.