I am trying to add to the below async call in javascript which sends parameter q=<query>
, the second parameter l=<lquery>
, but I don't see it sent out, checked in dev tools console
var searchbox = $('input#search');
var langquery = $('input#fav_language');
var timer = 0;
// Executes the search function 250 milliseconds after user stops typing
searchbox.keyup(function () {
timer = setTimeout(search, 250);
async function search() {
// Clear results before searching
// Get the query from the user
let query = searchbox.val();
// Only run a query if the string contains at least three characters
if (query.length > 2) {
let lquery = langquery.val();
// Make the HTTP request with the query as a parameter and wait for the JSON results
let response = await $.get(apigatewayendpoint, { q: query, l: lquery, size: 25 }, 'json');
the html body is below. i've tried referring to the radio form id an to the input name, both didn't worked
<h1>InfoLang - Movie Plot At Your Language</h1>
<form id="lang">
<p>Please select language:</p>
<input type="radio" id="it" name="fav_language" value="Italian">
<label for="it">Italian</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="fr" name="fav_language" value="French">
<label for="fr">French</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="he" name="fav_language" value="Hebrew">
<label for="he">Hebrew</label>
<input id="search" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Search your movie" align="center">
i got this by-
if (query.length > 2) {
let lquery
if (document.getElementById('it').checked) lquery = 'it'
if (document.getElementById('fr').checked) lquery = 'fr'
and for the display
let title = results[item]._source.title
if (lquery == 'it') plot = results[item]._source.description_it
if (lquery == 'fr') plot = results[item]._source.description_fr