I'm trying to pull a few values from my ROOM database to show to the user - they are all coming from one row, and the user picks the row by inputing a number that corresponds to the value set as the primary key. I know that everything is working up until this point because I am able to query the data without throwing an out of range error (which it does if I put an invalid number in).
Here is my DAO:
@Query("SELECT * FROM pitData")
List<PitData> getAllScores();
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
void insertAll(PitData pitData);
@Query("DELETE FROM PitData")
void nukeTable();
@Query("Select * FROM pitData WHERE teamNum = :idInt")
List<PitData> findTeam(int idInt);
And here is the class where I am trying to get the return (findTeam) from:
EditText teamnum;
Button search;
TextView shower;
String id;
int idInt;
private List<PitData> pit;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
teamnum = findViewById(R.id.textView15);
search = findViewById(R.id.button6);
shower = findViewById(R.id.shower);
search.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
id = teamnum.getText().toString();
idInt = Integer.parseInt(id);
Log.d("dataPull", "Ran searchData");
public void searchData(){
ScoreDataBase SDB = ScoreDataBase.getDatabase(this);
PitData pitData = new PitData("1", "two", "three");
Log.d("PitView","Returned List");
pit = SDB.pitDao().findTeam(idInt);
//Log.d("pitdata", pit.getClass().getName());
Log.d("pitviewdata", String.valueOf(pit.get(0))); // this is where I am trying to pull a specific column from the row that I queried into the list 'pit'
However, when I try to get data from the list, it says that there is only one item in the list (item 0). When I take that value and print it in the log and/or the textview, it returns a string of the class path to my Entity with @some random string tacked onto the end. How do I get it to put the values from the entity into the list as opposed to the classpath of the entity?
pit = null;
for(PitData p: SDB.pitDao().findTeam(idInt) {
pit = p;
break; // Only expect/want the 1 PtData
if (pit != null) {
} else {
Log.d("pitviewdata","NOT FOUND");
Or, if you instead use (as you know you can only retrieve 1 PitData) :-
@Query("Select * FROM pitData WHERE teamNum = :idInt")
PitData findTeam(int idInt);
pit = SDB.pitDao().findTeam(idInt);
// Test here for no data extracted (depends upon the PitData class definition)
That is instead of using the default toString method you need to get the appropriate member variable value(s).
my Entity with @some random string
That is the address/pointer of the Object i.e. what the default toString method outputs (you could alternately override the toString method BUT this may prove to complicate subsequent use of the Object)