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MassTransit publish messages so slow in synchronous context

I have a situation in which I should publish messages through RabbitMQ synchronously (legacy code) or they will be out of order because MassTransit publishes in different threads

    public void PostUserQuantitySync(int userId, decimal amount)
    foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, 1000))
        var _ = _publishEndpoint.Publish(new CreateUserTransactionRequest() { Amount = item });
    return Ok();

So I used TaskUtil.Await and/or Wait() but the publish performance is so poor (33/s message per second) whereas pure rabbit client has a much better result (200/s message per second at least) and respect to message ordering:

    public void PostUserQuantitySync(int userId, decimal amount)
        foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, 1000))
            TaskUtil.Await(() _publishEndpoint.Publish(new CreateUserTransactionRequest() { Amount = item }, c => c.SetAwaitAck(false)));

Is there any performance issue with MassTransit in a synchronous context or should I use any tweak in my code?


  • If you produce a batch of message, in order, you should not wait for each publish, it will be very slow. Consider adding the tasks to a list, and waiting for them all at once:

    public void PostUserQuantitySync(int userId, decimal amount)
        List<Task> tasks = new();
        foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, 1000))
            tasks.Add(_publishEndpoint.Publish(new CreateUserTransactionRequest() { Amount = item }));
        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

    If you're using RabbitMQ, you can adjust the batch publisher setting (used in the background by MassTransit to group messages together when sending, to reduce round-trip overhead) via the ConfigureBatchPublish method as shown:

    x.UsingRabbitMq((context, cfg) =>
        cfg.Host("localhost", h =>
            h.ConfigureBatchSettings(b => b.Enabled = false);
        // ...