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How to override a single application property in a test

I have this test:

class AuthControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mvc;

    AuthTokenFilter authTokenFilter;

    AuthEntryPointJwt authEntryPointJwt;

    JwtUtils jwtUtils;

    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    UserDetailsServiceImpl userDetailsServiceImpl;

    AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

    Authentication authentication;

    SecurityContext securityContext;

    void test1withEnabledTrue() {

    void test2WithEnabledTrue() {

    void cannotRegisterUserWhenRegistrationsAreDisabled() throws Exception {
        var userToSave = validUserEntity("username", "password");
        var savedUser = validUserEntity("username", "a1.b2.c3");


        .andExpect(jsonPath("$.status", is("registrations are disabled")));

    private static UsersEntity validUserEntity(String username, String password) {
        return UsersEntity.builder().username(username).password(password).build();


And this is the relevant part in Controller (Class Under Test):

private Boolean enableRegistration;

private Boolean getEnableRegistration() {
    return this.enableRegistration;

public Map<String, String> post(@RequestBody UsersDTO usersDTO) {

    Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    if (getEnableRegistration()) {
        map.put("status", "ok - new user created");
        return map;
    map.put("status", "registrations are disabled");
    return map;


I have this under src/test/resources and I need to override it, only for my single test named cannotRegisterUserWhenRegistrationsAreDisabled


Probably I could use another file "" and another class test, but I'm looking for a smarter solution.


  • You can simply configure the inline properties of @TestPropertySource which has a higher precedence than the properties loaded from locations/ value :

    @TestPropertySource(locations = "" ,properties="app.enableRegistration=true" )
    class AuthControllerTest {

    All inline properties specified in the properties will override those specified in the