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How to get the last element in helm loop?


    - green
    - red
    - yellow

I want to convert this into JSON file in chart:

      "products": {
          "apples": [

In jinja2 it would look like something like this:

      "products": {
          "apples": [
{% for apple in products.apples%}
            "{{apple}}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

In jinja2 loop.last is used. How it can be done in helm?


  • The easiest answer to your real question is to use the Helm toJson function.

    "products": {
    {{ toPrettyJson .Values.products | indent 2 }}

    To do this by hand: in the core Go text/template language, you can assign temporary variables as you loop over a structure with range. There's a two-variable form that receives both the index and the value. You can then compare the index with the length of the list.

    "products": {
      "apples": {
    {{- $last := sub (len .Values.products.apples) 1 }}
    {{- $index, $apple := range .Values.products.apples }}
        {{ quote $apple }}{{ if ne $index $last }},{{ end }}
    {{- end }}