Search code examples

reference between slides in Beamr

I have a code as below. I would like to create \ref{} between item 1 in the second and third slides. So whenever someone clicks item1 in the second slide jumps to the third slide and vice versa.



\title{Main Title} 
\author{Jane Doe}
\institute{University A}

        \titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide
        \frametitle{First Page}
            This is an example which will be used later.
        \frametitle{Second Page}
            \item Item 1
            \item Item 2 
        \frametitle{Third Page}
        \item Item 1
        \item Item 2


  • \documentclass[]{beamer}
    \title{Main Title} 
    \author{Jane Doe}
    \institute{University A}
            \titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide
            \frametitle{First Page}
                This is an example which will be used later.
            \frametitle{Second Page}
                \item \hyperlink{foo}{Item 1}
                \item Item 2 
            \frametitle{Third Page}
            \item \hyperlink{important}{Item 1}
            \item Item 2