I'am new with Emacs and certainly with lisp. I know that we can save an agenda (view?) with C-x C-w
. Fine but can we do that with the (setq org-agenda-custom-commands) ? I would like to save the weekly agenda to a .txt
file (like agenda.txt
Accounding the documentation of org-agenda-custom-commands
(partly paste here):
Custom commands for the agenda. Each entry is a list like this:
(key desc type match settings files)
(key desc (cmd1 cmd2 ...) general-settings-for-whole-set files)
files A list of files to write the produced agenda buffer to with
the command org-store-agenda-views.
If a file name ends in ".html", an HTML version of the buffer
is written out. If it ends in ".ps", a postscript version is
produced. Otherwise, only the plain text is written to the file.
You can set org-agenda-custom-commands
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
'(("n" "Agenda and all TODOs"
((agenda "")
(alltodo ""))
and then M-x org-agenda
M-x org-store-agenda-views
to save the agenda view to ~/agenda.txt
or you can write a function to do this.
(defun save-agenda-view (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(org-agenda arg "n")