I need an algorithm to determine a hierarchy of polygons. For example,
I have only closed loops of vertices, where polygons have CCW vertices order and holes have CW vertices order. I want to create a structure to contain such hierarchy of polygons and holes.
using Loop = std::vector<Point>;
class PolygonHierarchy
PolygonHierarchy(const std::vector<Loop>& loops);
class Polygon
std::vector<Point> vertices;
std::vector<Polygon*> childPolygons;
bool isCCWOrder;
std::vector<Polygon*> polygonHierarchies;
Can someone explain how to find child polygons and form such tree? (it's not necessary to provide code).
As per what @YvesDaoust said in the comments, for each polygon/hole, you can find all
the polygons/holes which contain it.
This will give you a directed graph. In this graph, for each node, you may have more than one incoming edges. For instance, something like this:
1 (a)
| \
| 2 (b)
3 /
Here, both 1 and 2 know about 3, but ideally only 2 should. Here, 1 is a parent of 2. If you generalise this, since there wont be any intersecting polygons, if you have two conflicting nodes a
and b
, and if a is an ancestor of b
, you can discard a
(otherwise discard b
), and you can continue in this fashion, until only one incoming edge remains for each node,