I can change the last part (in the URL: child
) of the URL, but if the URL's parameters exist, these parameters are deleted by this change (?para=1¶=2
Is there a way to not delete the parameters?
const str = window.location.href;
const lastIndex = str.lastIndexOf("/");
const path = str.substring(0, lastIndex);
const new_path = path + "/new_child";
window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", new_path);
window.history.replaceState("object or string", "Title", new_path);
Before replacing the last part you can save the parameters like this
var str = "https://example.com/sub/child?para=1¶=2";
var params = str.split('?')[1]
const lastIndex = str.lastIndexOf("/");
const path = str.substring(0, lastIndex);
const new_path = path + "/new_child?"+params;
Alternatively you can create a function to do this using regex
var str = "https://example.com/sub/child?para=1¶=2";
const new_path = replaceUrlPart(str, "child", "new_child")
function replaceUrlPart(url, partToRemove, partToAdd){
return url.replace(partToRemove,partToAdd);