I'm curious about this line and have never seen this format with an array right after the variable:
pics[coinToss() === 'heads' ? 'kitty' : 'doggy']
to render pics.doggy or pics.kitty
Is there specific documentation about this format I can read more about?
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
function coinToss () {
// Randomly return either 'heads' or 'tails'.
return Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'heads' : 'tails';
const pics = {
kitty: 'https://content.codecademy.com/courses/React/react_photo-kitty.jpg',
doggy: 'https://content.codecademy.com/courses/React/react_photo-puppy.jpeg'
const img = <img src={pics[coinToss() === 'heads' ? 'kitty' : 'doggy']} />;
It's not an array, it's a property access - like when you access some array's elements with myArray[5]
to get the 6th element (which is property 5
of the array), but it works the same for string properties of objects:
is the same as pics.kitty
The name of the property accessed is whatever coinToss() == 'heads' ? 'kitty' : 'doggy'
evaluates to (which uses ?:
to yield either 'kitty'
or 'doggy'
depending on the result of coinToss()
Here it's functionally the same as coinToss() === 'heads' ? pics.kitty : pics.doggy