I've used "i18next-chained-backend" library to load multiple i18n backend but it seems it does not work as my expectation. I expect that it will load multiple resources from those backends, then when I translate some key, it checks that key on those backends one by one in order.
Currently, I think when the first backend is loaded successfully, it will use that backend and ignore the rest. How can I achieve as my expect? I appreciate any helps, thanks in advance.
Here is my setup to resolve the multiple backends issues:
For example I have 2 backend called: backend1 (1st priority), backend2.
On backend1, I create namespace1 then make namespace1 as default namespace.
On backend2, I create namespace2 then make namespace2 as fallback namespace.
So in namespace1 (backend1) I have
"key1": "different Key1"
and in namespace2 (backend2) I have
"key1": "Key1",
"key2": "Key2"
So here is the result:
t("key1") will be "different Key1" --> Because it's found in namespace1 as default (as it's 1st priority)
t("key2") will be "Key2" --> Because it's not found in namespace1 so it will look at the fallback namespace (namespace2).