I know this question has been answered but I still need help for my specific situation
I have
<li>blah blah</li>
<li>blah blah blah</li>
I have managed to insert a div after each li using
$('<div class="shadow-hide"></div>') .appendTo('div#main nav.left ul li');
So the html is now
<li>blah blah</li>
<div class='shadow-hide'></div>
<li>blah blah blah</li>
<div class='shadow-hide'></div>
but how do I set the height of the div to match the height of the li before it?
here's my attempt so far but I guess it just gets the height of the first li:
$('<div class="shadow-hide"></div>') .appendTo('div#main nav.left ul li');
var liHeight = $("div#main nav.left ul li").height();
$('div.shadow-hide').css('height', liHeight);
$('.shadow-hide').height(function() {
return $(this).prev('li').height();
or perhaps more in line with your actual use case:
$('#main nav.left ul li').each(function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el), height = $el.height();
$('<div class="shadow-hide" />').height(height).appendTo($el);
Edit: as noted in the comments, you can't nest a div directly in a list, so you might want to rethink however you're styling this, perhaps replacing the "shadow-hide" divs with list items.