When we try to convert the Pcollection to Long we are getting Type casting exception. kindly have a look into below code.
java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
Creating the pcollection
PCollection<Row> count = pt.apply(SqlTransform.query(Constants.total_count));
PCollectionView<Long> outputCount = detail_count
.apply("Row to long",
ParDo.of(new RowToLong())).apply(View.asSingleton());
String total_count = select sum(cast(col1 as INT)) as total_count from <table>
Converting RowTo method
public class RowToLong extends DoFn<Row, Long> {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RowToLong.class.getName());
private PCollectionView<Long> outputCount;
public void processElement(ProcessContext context) {
// Long total_count=((Number)c.element().getInt64("total_count")).longValue();
Long total_count= Long.valueOf(context.element().getInt64("total_count"));
Try this using below code.
String total_count = select sum(cast(col1 as bigint)) as total_count from <table>
Converting row to method
Long total_count = context.element().getInt64("total_count").longValue();