I'm trying to add new bubble in the chart whenever we click on add button I am able to update the state of data i.e. Chartdata using usestate hook but the chart does not re-render and does not show the chart according to the new updated data.
const data =
datasets: [{
label: 'Grapefruit',
data: [{
x: 10,
y: 40,
r: 40
backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)'
label: 'Lime',
data: [{
x: 23,
y: 37,
r: 40
backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 152, 102)'
const App = () => {
const [chartData, setchartData] = useState(data);
function callingChart(inputText,value)
const newl = [{x: data.datasets[1].data[0].x + l,y:data.datasets[1].data[0].y+ l,r:data.datasets[1].data[0].r + l}]
data.datasets.push({ label: inputText,
data: newl,
backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 128, 0)'})
return (
<div className ="bubble">
<BarChart data={chartData} options={options}/>
export default App;
I don't know what I'm doing wrong .
From what I can tell you are mutating the data
object, which is a reference to the same object you initialized your chartData
state to, and then save the mutated data
object back into the chartData
In React you necessarily need to shallow copy all state that is being update. Create a newChartData
object from the current chartData
state and shallow copy the root properties, then declare a new datasets
array by shallow copying the previous state's datasets
array. This is a new array reference that you can push new values into.
function callingChart(inputText, value) {
const newChartData = {
...chartData, // shallow copy chartData object
datasets: chartData.datasets.slice(), // shallow copy datasets array
if (value === "lime") {
const newl = [
x: chartData.datasets[1].data[0].x + l,
y: chartData.datasets[1].data[0].y + l,
r: chartData.datasets[1].data[0].r + l
label: inputText,
data: newl,
backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 128, 0)"
} else if (value === "coconut") {
const newc = [
x: chartData.datasets[2].data[0].x + c,
y: chartData.datasets[2].data[0].y + c,
r: chartData.datasets[2].data[0].r + c
label: inputText,
data: newc,
backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 128, 0)"
} else if (value === "grapefruit") {
const newg = [
x: chartData.datasets[0].data[0].x + g,
y: chartData.datasets[0].data[0].y + g,
r: chartData.datasets[0].data[0].r + g
label: inputText,
data: newg,
backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 128, 0)"
} else {
const newm = [
x: chartData.datasets[3].data[0].x + m,
y: chartData.datasets[3].data[0].y + m,
r: chartData.datasets[3].data[0].r + m
label: inputText,
data: newm,
backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 128, 0)"