May I know how can I throttle checkbox check & uncheck actions to prevent users click checkbox and change the check & uncheck too frequently? How to use the throttle function to control the check & uncheck action? For example, we only change check & uncheck at most every 2000ms even user click 100 times.
const throttle = (func, limit) => {
let inThrottle;
return function() {
if (!inThrottle) {
inThrottle = true;
setTimeout(() => inThrottle = false, limit);
<input type = "checkbox" id = "checkbox1">
<label for="checkAll">Checkbox 1</label>
You can use e.preventDefault()
to control the check/uncheck action.
const throttle = (func, limit) => {
let inThrottle;
return function(e) {
if (inThrottle) {
return e.preventDefault(); // Prevents check/uncheck of the input
inThrottle = true;
setTimeout(() => inThrottle = false, limit);
function clickHandler() {}
document.getElementById("checkbox1").addEventListener("click", throttle(clickHandler, 2000))
<input type = "checkbox" id = "checkbox1">
<label for="checkAll">Checkbox 1 (Can only be changed every 2s)</label>