I find myself frequetly wanting to enclose statements or lines with a console.log(...)
. For example if I have the following code:
let myVar = "Hello";
myVar.slice(1,3);| // '|' means where the cursor is after typing in the last line
And from there I'd like to wrap that line in a console.log
so it then becomes:
let myVar = "Hello";
Is there a short-cut that I can create in VS Code to do this? I have one extension that is supposed to do this but 80% of the time it gets it wrong (for example putting the )
after the ;
and so I'd just like to do one short-cut command that always gets it right, without having to install an extension. How could I do this?
Put this into your keybindings.json
"key": "alt+q",
"command": "runCommands",
"args": {
"commands": [
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"args": {
"snippet": "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/(.*)./console.log($1);/}"
"when": "editorFocus"
That uses the newer built-in command runCommands
which itself can run multiple commands in a keybinding.
first to select from the cursor to beginning of text on line.
Capture the rest of the line except for the last character ;
. That last matched ;
will not be in capture group 1 and so will not appear within the console.log...)