Search code examples

Starting and stopping services in vespa

In the benchmarking page "" it is given that we need to restart the services after we increase the persearch thread using the commands vespa-stop-services and vespa-start-services. Could you tell us if we need to do this on all the content nodes or just the config nodes?


  • When deploying a change that requires a restart, the deploy command will list the actions you need to take. For example when changing the global per search thread setting changing from 2 to 5 in the below example:

    curl --header Content-Type:application/zip --data-binary @target/   localhost:19071/application/v2/tenant/default/prepareandactivate |jq . 
        "log": [
                "time": 1645036778830,
                "level": "WARNING",
                "message": "Change(s) between active and new application that require restart:\nIn cluster 'mycluster' of type 'search':\n    Restart services of type 'searchnode' because:\n        1) # Number of threads used per search\nproton.numthreadspersearch has changed from 2 to 5\n"
        "tenant": "default",
        "url": "http://localhost:19071/application/v2/tenant/default/application/default/environment/prod/region/default/instance/default",
        "message": "Session 8 for tenant 'default' prepared and activated.",
        "configChangeActions": {
            "restart": [
                    "clusterName": "mycluster",
                    "clusterType": "search",
                    "serviceType": "searchnode",
                    "messages": [
                        "# Number of threads used per search\nproton.numthreadspersearch has changed from 2 to 5"
                    "services": [
                            "serviceName": "searchnode",
                            "serviceType": "searchnode",
                            "configId": "mycluster/search/cluster.mycluster/0",
                            "hostName": "vespa-container"
            "refeed": [],
            "reindex": []