During working on project arch4u-pmd we made several java-based pmd rules, configured them in XML-based ruleset our-rules.xml
, and published it as a plain java lib/artifact (io.github.abc:my-pmd-rules:0.1.0
) to our artifacts repository.
The artifact structure looks like this:
> unzip -l my-pmd-rules-0.1.0.jar
Archive: my-pmd-rules-0.1.0.jar
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 02-15-2022 00:24 META-INF/
139 02-15-2022 00:24 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
0 02-15-2022 00:24 io/
0 02-15-2022 00:24 io/github/
0 02-15-2022 00:24 io/github/rules/
4781 02-15-2022 00:24 io/github/rules/MissingMandatoryAnnotation.class
1138 02-15-2022 00:24 io/github/rules/our-rules.xml
How we can add them to the Gradle project using pmd plugin?
We have to process the following materials/questions/answers:
tasks.withType(Pmd) {
pmdClasspath += file("path/to/rules.jar")
In official docs for Gradle pmd plugin there is a dependency section that explains this aspect on high-level without a real example:
- The PMD libraries to usepmdAux
- The additional libraries that are available for type resolution during analysis. This might be useful if PMD complains about missing classes.In order to add the custom java rules to your project
Using Gradle plugin
apply plugin: 'pmd'
repositories {
mavenCentral() // if your rules in Maven Central
mavenLocal() // if your rules is in .m2 folder
maven {
// if your rules are in some custom/self-hosted artifacts repository like Nexus
dependencies {
pmd "io.github.abc:my-pmd-rules:0.1.0"
pmd "commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0" // required dependency by pmd engine
pmd {
consoleOutput = true
ruleSetFiles = files("io/github/rules/our-rules.xml") // exactly path as in your lib classpath
ruleSets = [] // Keep it as is, workaround for pmd
Using Maven plugin
<ruleset>io/github/rules/our-rules.xml</ruleset> <!-- exactly path as in your lib classpath -->
<!-- your custom rules -->
In case if you already have a ruleset and you just want to include the custom Java rule (that came from the library) you may define it directly in your ruleset xml as is:
<!-- Define a rule -->
<rule name="TheRuleName"
message="The violation message regarding your rule"