This is what I have so far. I think I need a line like: helper.addAttachment(attachment); in there, but that doesn't compile. I just can't figure out the syntax of how to add this attachment. Anyone have any tips? Thanks!
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/sendemailsubmitted")
public void sendEmailSubmitted(@RequestBody VerifyInfo newVerifyInfo) throws MessagingException, MalformedURLException {
MimeMessage message = sender.createMimeMessage();
String username = newVerifyInfo.getUsername();
// Enable the multipart flag!
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true);
Part attachment = new MimeBodyPart();
URL url = new URL("");
attachment.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(url));
helper.setText("<html><body>" +
"Please see attachment" +
"</body></html>", true);
helper.setSubject("Begin Your Journey!");
As you can see here you can just do a message.addAttachment("myDocument.pdf", new ClassPathResource("doc/myDocument.pdf"));
No need to create MimeBodyPart MimeBodyPart is used to add it to javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart and then add it to javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage, however, you are using Spring with org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper