I am making a minecraft mini game plugin, i need to make a loop that do the minigame, if the game is ended, stop it, but else continue, for making that i just created a boolean that is false and i put a :
while(isEnded) {
//my code
But in my code, there is async fuction, so it's repeat, but the async function don't have the time to finish before an other loop start, so all my game is glitched.
Any solution to await the async function ? ( i am using Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(Main.plugin, new Runnable() {
thanks for the help ;)
I don't really understand where you are stuck, but I will give you some way to do what you are looking for.
For example, when the game when, you are running a method:
public void endGame() {
// do something
You can just set a variable, then run a task like that :
public static boolean isEnd = false;
public void runTask() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(myPlugin, () -> {
if(isEnd) {
// do something
}, 20, 20);
Finally, set the variable when it's fine with just MyClass.isEnd = true;
It will run each 20 ticks (so each second, because 20 ticks = 1 second).