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How can I get the `href` attributes of nested `<a>` from specific `<ul>` into a list?

I have a <ul> with xpath:position = //ul[5] which contains some <a>.

The first <a> has xpath:position = //ul[5]/li/div/div/a, the next <a> has xpath:position = //ul[5]/li[2]/div/div/a and the next has xpath:position = //ul[5]/li[3]/div/div/a and goes on...

So, for every new <a> into this <ul> the xpath:position of <a> get a [#] after <li>.

enter image description here

What I need is an example of how I'll count how many <a> exist into this specific <ul> and then get the href attribute of each <a> into a list.

I have try this:

    WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver()
    def aCount = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//ul[5]/li/div/div/a")).size()
    println aCount

But it counts all the <a> of the page and not only the ones withing the <ul> with xpath:position = //ul[5]!!!


  • The problem was that into the //ul[5] there were two kind of <a>s. The //ul[5]/li/div/div/a and the //ul[5]/li/div/div[2]/a.

    At the first case the <div> which wraps the <a> has the class name (div[@class="heading-4"]/a[1]). At the second case the <div> which wraps the <a> has the class name (div[@class="heading-4-sub"]/a[1]).

    When I was counting the <a>s I was getting both kind of <a>s in count.

    So I had to do something like this:

    WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver()
    List<String> hrefs = []
    List<WebElement> aTags = driver.findElements(By.xpath('//ul[5]/li/div/div[@class="heading-4"]/a'))
    for (WebElement aTag in aTags) {
        String href = aTag.getAttribute("href")
        if (href != null) {
        } else {
            hrefs.add('Empty Link');
    System.out.println(hrefs + "\n\nURLs Found: " + hrefs.size())

    I was using: findElements(By.xpath("//ul[5]/li/div/div/a")) Instead of: findElements(By.xpath('//ul[5]/li/div/div[@class="heading-4"]/a')) which gets only the <a>s which are wrapped by a <div> with class name "heading-4".