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Does the IronPDF free trial affect already built apps?

I wanted to use the IronPDF library in an app for personal usage. They offer a free 30-day key, but I'm not sure if my PDFs will suddenly get watermarks in 30 days in case they validate the key somehow each time.


  • IronPDF is always free and open for development and testing.

    If you need to test and share your project in a live environment with no watermarks, please request a 30-day trial key, which can be easily applied directly in your code, as shown below:

    IronPdf.License.LicenseKey = "IRONPDF-ZIVDERO-MY-TRIAL-LICENSE-KEY-EXPIRES.15.MAR.2022";

    Other options for applying a key, (web.confg, appsettings.json, etc.) as K J mentioned can also be viewed here: