How do I create a query to my room database from example the SUM of a database column then convert it to a String to then populate text fields in a different activity? I have 5 activities in my app where I wish to customise the data that is displayed but I wish to pull that data from my Room Database.
Many Thanks
If you want a single value then you simply use an @Query annotated method that returns the the single value. e.g.
@Query("SELECT sum(the_column) FROM the_table")
String getTheSum();
for 2dp). Some formats could be easier to apply outside of SQLite.If you wanted many (0-n) you could return a List e.g.
@Query("SELECT sum(the_column) FROM the_table GROUP BY the_column_or_columns_to_group_by")
List<long> getTheSums();
If you want to return multiple values for row then you need a POJO where there are member variables that match the column names that are output. e.g.
@Query("SELECT sum(the_column) AS theSum, min(the_column) AS theMin, max(the_column) AS theMax FROM the_table GROUP BY the_column_or_columns_to_group_by")
List<ThePojo> getSumMinMax();
Could use the POJO :-
class ThePojo {
long theSum;
long theMin;
long theMax;
If you wanted all of the columns PLUS the additional columns you could for example have :-
@Query("SELECT the_table.*,sum(the_column) AS theSum, min(the_column) AS theMin, max(ithe_column) AS theMax FROM cities")
List<ThePojoPlus> getSumMinMaxPlus();
Could the the POJO :-
class ThePojoPlus {
TheTable the_table;
ThePojo pojo;
or (if there is no ThePojo class)
class ThePojoPlus {
TheTable the_table;
long theSum;
long theMin;
long theMax;