I'm trying to do a clean up of the repeated questions, doing an split of number from the questions. My problems comes when after I split the cell with the number and text of the question. I do create a formula to show only once the number if is reapeated and made a list of the no repeated numbers, after this I tried to do a regexmatch of this cleaned numbers with this formula REGEXMATCH($A$2:$A$15, C3)
but it looks with repeated numbers have a problem, also after the repeated also shows error below will be the screenshot.
Second problem if the regexmatch is true will appear the question that matches with that number also is not printing I used this formula =IF(D2=TRUE, $A$2:$A$15)
. It works when there is not repeated numbers but the most of the time the data that I worked is like in the screenshot.
It looks like you just want a unique list of what is in A2:A15.
If that is correct, delete everything from Column B, Column C, Column D and Column E. You should have data in only Column A.
In cell B2, place this formula:
You can place the formula anywhere in the sheet. It does not have to be in cell B2.
ADDENDUM (based on additional information in comments and changes to original post)
Still delete everything Col B, C, D and E.
Place the following formula in B2: