Sorry to ask a question again as I asked a problem in the morning also.
This time I am facing an issue with Mathjax text. As my navbar is fixed, my texts are going inside the navbar whereas the math expressions are going above the navbar. This is annoying me from today's morning itself.
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<p class="mt-4 leading-relaxed text-lg text-justify"> My area of interests include <em>differential geometry</em>, <em>differential topology</em> and <em>algebraic topology</em>. More specifically, I am working on <em class="text-green-600">cut locus of a submanifold</em>. For a given Riemannian manifold $M$ and $N\subset M$ the <em class="text-green-600">cut locus of $N$</em>, $\mathrm{Cu}(N)$, is the collection of points $q\in M$ such that extension of a distance minimal geodesic joining $N$ to $q$ is no longer minimal. Here by the <em class="text-green-600">distance minimal geodesic $\gamma$ joining $N$ to $q$</em> we mean that there exists $p\in N$ such that the length of $\gamma$ from $p$ to $q$ is same as the distance from $N$ to $q$. In my recent <a href="#publications" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-800">paper</a> (joint with Dr Somnath Basu) we have discussed the cut locus of a closed submanifold and described the relation between cut locus, Thom spaces and Morse-Bott functions. </p>
<p class="mt-4 leading-relaxed text-lg text-justify"> Currently, I am working on the cut locus of a quotient manifold and application to the classifying spaces. </p>
<p class="mt-4 leading-relaxed text-lg text-justify:"> </p>
<h2 class="mt-4 mb-4 text-gray-900 text-xl title-font font-medium" id="publications">Publications and Preprints</h2>
<ol class="pl-8 list-decimal">
<li class="text-lg"> <em>A connection between cut locus, Thom spaces and Morse-Bott functions</em> (joint with Dr Somnath Basu) <a href="ml-8" target="_blank" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-800">ArXiv link</a>
<div class="mt-2 ml-4 border-l-2 border-indigo-500 hidden md:block xs:hidden">
<p class="pl-2 leading-relaxed text-base text-gray-500 text-justify"> <span class="text-gray-900">Abstract:</span> Associated to every closed, embedded submanifold $N$ in a connected Riemannian manifold $M$, there is the distance function $d_N$ which measures the distance of a point in $M$ from $N$. We analyze the square of this function and show that it is Morse-Bott on the complement of the cut locus $\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ of $N$, provided $M$ is complete. Moreover, the gradient flow lines provide a deformation retraction of $M-\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ to $N$. If $M$ is a closed manifold, then we prove that the Thom space of the normal bundle of $N$ is homeomorphic to $M/\mathrm{N}$. We also discuss several interesting results which are either applications of these or related observations regarding the theory of cut locus. These results include, but are not limited to, a computation of the local homology of singular matrices, a classification of the homotopy type of the cut locus of a homology sphere inside a sphere, a deformation of the indefinite unitary group $U(p,q)$ to $U(p)\times U(q)$ and a geometric deformation of $GL(n,\mathbb{R})$ to $O(n,\mathbb{R})$ which is different from the Gram-Schmidt retraction. </p>
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We can see in the above image that the math text s over the navbar. I don't know what exactly the problem is. Any help will be appreciated.
Insert the tailwind class z-10
to the navbar container to give the navbar a higher z-Index
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<p class="mt-4 leading-relaxed text-lg text-justify"> My area of interests include <em>differential geometry</em>, <em>differential topology</em> and <em>algebraic topology</em>. More specifically, I am working on <em class="text-green-600">cut locus of a submanifold</em>. For a given Riemannian manifold $M$ and $N\subset M$ the <em class="text-green-600">cut locus of $N$</em>, $\mathrm{Cu}(N)$, is the collection of points $q\in M$ such that extension of a distance minimal geodesic joining $N$ to $q$ is no longer minimal. Here by the <em class="text-green-600">distance minimal geodesic $\gamma$ joining $N$ to $q$</em> we mean that there exists $p\in N$ such that the length of $\gamma$ from $p$ to $q$ is same as the distance from $N$ to $q$. In my recent <a href="#publications" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-800">paper</a> (joint with Dr Somnath Basu) we have discussed the cut locus of a closed submanifold and described the relation between cut locus, Thom spaces and Morse-Bott functions. </p>
<p class="mt-4 leading-relaxed text-lg text-justify"> Currently, I am working on the cut locus of a quotient manifold and application to the classifying spaces. </p>
<p class="mt-4 leading-relaxed text-lg text-justify:"> </p>
<h2 class="mt-4 mb-4 text-gray-900 text-xl title-font font-medium" id="publications">Publications and Preprints</h2>
<ol class="pl-8 list-decimal">
<li class="text-lg"> <em>A connection between cut locus, Thom spaces and Morse-Bott functions</em> (joint with Dr Somnath Basu) <a href="ml-8" target="_blank" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-800">ArXiv link</a>
<div class="mt-2 ml-4 border-l-2 border-indigo-500 hidden md:block xs:hidden">
<p class="pl-2 leading-relaxed text-base text-gray-500 text-justify"> <span class="text-gray-900">Abstract:</span> Associated to every closed, embedded submanifold $N$ in a connected Riemannian manifold $M$, there is the distance function $d_N$ which measures the distance of a point in $M$ from $N$. We analyze the square of this function and show that it is Morse-Bott on the complement of the cut locus $\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ of $N$, provided $M$ is complete. Moreover, the gradient flow lines provide a deformation retraction of $M-\mathrm{Cu}(N)$ to $N$. If $M$ is a closed manifold, then we prove that the Thom space of the normal bundle of $N$ is homeomorphic to $M/\mathrm{N}$. We also discuss several interesting results which are either applications of these or related observations regarding the theory of cut locus. These results include, but are not limited to, a computation of the local homology of singular matrices, a classification of the homotopy type of the cut locus of a homology sphere inside a sphere, a deformation of the indefinite unitary group $U(p,q)$ to $U(p)\times U(q)$ and a geometric deformation of $GL(n,\mathbb{R})$ to $O(n,\mathbb{R})$ which is different from the Gram-Schmidt retraction. </p>
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svg: {
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