Alright so I used .appendTo to beat an issue of overflow:hidden so my entire tooltip would show outside the containing div. However, it locks the tooltip in place after the item was hovered over. How do I go about clearing the .appendTo to hide the tooltip.
var pos = $.extend({}, $(this).offset(), {width: this.offsetWidth, height: this.offsetHeight});
$(this).children('.browse-tip').css({top: -40, left: pos.left - pos.width / 2});
},function() {
The whole structure of the thing is making your work challenging. I recommend having an independent element that you can float around the page toggling when needed, and just putting the relevant info into it before showing:
<div id="popup"></div>
#popup {
position: absolute;
display: none;
z-index: 999999;
width: 220px;
height: 200px;
#popup .browse-tip {
display: block;
var pos = $.extend({}, $(this).offset(), {width: this.offsetWidth, height: this.offsetHeight});
$("#popup").css({top:, left: pos.left - pos.width / 2});
return true;
},function() {
return false;