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Where can I see the source code for classes within my current ruby intallation?

I am new to ruby but nonetheless I have installed various versions of Ruby using RVM, Here's the the output of my LOAD_PATH

ruby-1.9.2-p136 :001 > puts $LOAD_PATH

Ok. So the question here is, Where within these directories can I see the source code for classes like Array, or Time ? (I know, it's an extremely n00b question, but I need to know.)

I've been needing to take a look at the source of Array for a long time.

Thanks in advance!

PS. Which class do you recommend looking at if I want to become a better ruby programmer?


  • The coolest gadget for code browsing I found so far is pry:

    It's an irb replacement with a lot of goodies. An example session so you can see how you can browse code with it (and you'll also see that it can show the C-implementation of a class):

    > pry
    pry(main)> show-
    show-command  show-doc      show-input    show-method   show-source
    pry(main)> show-source Array
    From: object.c in Ruby Core (C Method):
    Number of lines: 6
    static VALUE
    rb_f_array(obj, arg)
        VALUE obj, arg;
        return rb_Array(arg);
    pry(main)> cd Array
    pry(Array):1> show-source each
    From: array.c in Ruby Core (C Method):
    Number of lines: 12
        VALUE ary;
        long i;
        RETURN_ENUMERATOR(ary, 0, 0);
        for (i=0; i<RARRAY(ary)->len; i++) {
        return ary;

    Pry can of course also list the Ruby source of classes.

    Another useful tool for browsing the C-source for Ruby is the Ruby code cross reference:

    However right now it seems to be down, but hopefully it will be up again soon.