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In C# string how to replace two chararacters ignoring a number

I am editing a serialized string becuase when deserilized it gives a parse error. so from a long Serialized string I want to edit "myVar\": \"0.2 mm" with "myVar\": \"0.2" if I use the follwoing code it works

string NewString = Serializedstring.Replace($"myVar\": \"0.2 mm", $"myVar\": \"0.2")

but my 0.2 is a varible that may change with every occurance. so all I want is to remove mm from the string "myVar\": \"0.2 mm"


  • If your JSON is coming in with two different formats, rather than trying to hack the JSON string into something usable, it is much safer to use a custom JsonConverter. For example:

    public class MillimetreJsonConverter : JsonConverter<double>
        public override double Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, 
            JsonSerializerOptions options)
            // First try to get a double, if it works then simply return it
            if(reader.TryGetDouble(out var val))
                return val;
            // Otherwise we get the string value e.g. "0.2 mm" and
            // do some simple string manipulation on it
            var value = reader.GetString()!;
            value = value.Replace(" mm", "");
            if(double.TryParse(value, out var result))
                return result;
            // If we get here, perhaps we should throw an exception?
            return 0;
        public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, double value, 
            JsonSerializerOptions options)
            // You can fill this in if you need it
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    Now you can modify the class to deserialise into, assuming your JSON looks like this {"myVar": "0.2 mm"},:

    public class Foo
        public double myVar { get; set; }

    Finally, it's simple to deserialise:

    var foo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Foo>(json);