I'm making a form that can be validated using element UI's form validation on vue 2 composition API environment.
A form is nesting the table inside, so its structure is quite complicated.
v-for="option in tableOptions"
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-form-item :prop="scope.row[option.prop].prop">
<script lang="ts">
const formRules: { [key: string]: FormRule[]} = {
smName: [{ required: true, trigger: 'blur' }],
clientId: [{ required: true, trigger: 'blur' }],
const formData = {
smName: '',
clientId: '',
}).then(() => {
(smKeyInfoForm.value as unknown as ElForm).validate(async (valid) => {
if (valid) {
When I validate a form without the required field (ex. smName = ''), the 'valid' value of the validator returns true.
By checking with Chrome DevTools Vue extensions, I found that all props of el-form-item are normally registered, and v-model is connected to an adequate field.
How can I fix this validation problem?
I found that it's caused when switching table's element from plain div to form-item and vice versa.
<div v-else-if="scope.row[option.prop].type === 'radios'">
<el-radio-group v-model="formData[scope.row[option.prop].prop]">
v-for="radioOption in scope.row[option.prop].options"
{{ radioOption.label }}
<div v-else>
{{ scope.row[option.prop] }}
The form shows 'divs' in show-mode and other form elements like radios in edit mode. I guess that form validation didn't work normally when switching into form-element.
So I add key to form and I change it when I toggle the show-edit mode and it works.
const onClickBtn = () => {
isOnModification.value = true