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Selenium Firefox webdriver cannot see webelement given but Chrome can?

I have a test case that changes the time value in the dialog pop-up. To do so, I created a method named setDateInput.

public void setDateInput(Object date, WebElement input_date, String format) throws InterruptedException {
        if(date == null) {
            //leave the date as it is.
        } else if( (date instanceof Date) ) { //arg date is passed.
            String new_date = new SimpleDateFormat(format).format(date);
        } else if(date instanceof String) {

When it is called by this code below, Chrome driver changed the startInput to 23:55 but firefox does neither clear() nor sendKeys().

setDateInput("23:55", startInput, "HH:mm");

So, my question is, is there a different way to handle the text type input in Firefox webdriver?

Thank you in advance.

Update: The start_time element in HTML code as following

<input type="text" id="StartTime" value="00:01" pattern="([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]" placeholder="HH:MM" class="form-control input-text time-field-hm" required="" inputmode="numeric">


  • I found an answer by myself. This solution is not exactly fixing the issue but this is more of workaround.

    I just added a method click() before clear() method. Firefox webdriver then manages to focus on that element. And it clears and sends a 23:55 String to the input field. Weird way to resolve the issue.

    Or simply sendKeys("") will do as well. Hope this helpful.