I am making a streaming app in c# and I have embedded the vlc player using vlc.dotnet.
How can I add the feature to allow the user to record the livestreaming with a press of a button for example.
And how can I view the seek bar as the livestreaming goes on?
Thank you!
Vlc.DotNet is archived, and you're expected to use LibVLCSharp instead.
Recording "on-the-fly" is not yet possible with libvlc (and thus not with LibVLCSharp nor Vlc.DotNet). It is a feature that is only possible with VLC, but you can start a second stream and pass it the same recording options as the CLI.
Have a look at the "How do I?" section
To view the "seek bar", you have to implement it yourself, you have properties that give you the time, duration and position plus events that lets you know when Time/Position changed.