Issue: Socket rejoins again and again which causes Live View to emit events itself periodically.
Scenario: I have index page which contains phx-change events. When I left the page idle for sometime, the events started to triggered automatically periodically. It is not limited to single page but it happen on each live view page, I googled the issue but couldn’t find any solution.
1 reason I noticed that sometimes heartbeat stops for more than 1 minute(timeout limit is 1 minute), in this case socket rejoined again.
I increased timeout at client side as well at server side in Endpoint to check if this is the only issue but it didn’t work and socket behaved the same.
Did anyone face same issue before, what could be a possible reasons and how to avoid this issue, any suggestion?
Stack: PETAL
Elixir: 1.11 Erlang: 23.0 phoenix: 1.5.3 phoenix_live_view: 0.15.7 alpinejs “^2.8.2” Browsers: chrome, safari
I think issue is with Alpine Js but couldn’t figure out any solution.
Here is my app.js code
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content");
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
uploaders: Uploaders,
hooks: Hooks,
params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken },
timeout: 60000,
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated(from, to) {
if (from.__x) {
Alpine.clone(from.__x, to);
flatpickr(".date-picker", {
wrap: true,
disableMobile: true,
dateFormat: "Ymd H:i:S.ssss"
flatpickr(".datetime-picker", {
enableTime: true,
wrap: true,
disableMobile: true,
"plugins": [new confirmDatePlugin({ confirmIcon: "", confirmText: "Confirm" })],
time_24hr: true,
dateFormat: "Ymd H:i:S.ssss"
heartbeatIntervalMs: 10000
Endpoint Configuration:
socket "/socket", PrintSimpleWeb.UserSocket,
websocket: [
timeout: :infinity,
longpoll: false
socket "/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket, websocket: [connect_info: [session: @session_options]]
it was fixed by simple updating Elixir dependencies and npm packages. Here are the steps which I followed:
> remove _build, node_modules, deps folder
> mix deps.get
> mix compile
> npm install (inside /assets)
> iex -S mix phx.server