When record is fetched from database and rest service responded it looks like :
ICT0637256 Onboarding questionnaire for internal transfers & dashboard\u000BOnboarding
Another wrapper service which returns soap response; when call this rest service, then it returns following response :
<ns7:TaskDescription>ICT0637256 Onboarding questionnaire for internal transfers & dashboardOnboarding</ns7:TaskDescription>
I searched on internet and found \u000B is line tabulation.
Now on soap service level, i am trying to replace character comes from Rest Service:
public String replaceUnnecessaryCharacters(String text) {
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(text)) {
text = text.replaceAll("\\\\u000B", " ");
text = text.replaceAll("", " ");
text = text.replaceAll("<0x0b>", " ");
text = text.replaceAll("\\^K", " ");
return text;
if(task.getProjectId() == 5130764) {
LOG.info("getTasks: DescriptionDetails:5130764" + task.getDescription()); //<-- This comes from Rest API in code
LOG.info("getTasks: DescriptionDetails:5130764" + replaceUnnecessaryCharacters(task.getDescription())); <--- Here it doesn't show \u00B but blank space
I am like lost how to replace this character using Java? Can you please suggest how to fix the same?
Since you are not really using any of regex syntax (like +
quantifiers, \w
character classes, etc.) instead of replaceAll
you can use replace
Also since you want to replace single character with another character you can use replace(char oldChar, char newChar)
text = text.replace('\u000B', ' ');