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Angular-Listening to store changes & emit a value from a Service component to a different component - only after Service completes certain operations

Here we have to classes GetDataAsyncService which waits for change in the store (and not executes the block of code under it until a change in the store ( this.getDataAsyncService.getAsyncData().subscribe((data)=>{ )}). When it is called from MainComponent it will get return of(propA); (from GetDataAsyncService) before the block of code in the listener is executed - because the listener is still waiting for a change in the store. I want to emit that observable only when that operation block is executed.

export class GetDataAsyncService {
     constructor(private store: Store<AppState>)

         // operation block
         // some operations
         // some more operations 
         this.propA = val.propA;
       return of(propA); // this should be emitted with the latest value only when the block of code above executes - not before that


export MainComponent implenents OnInit{
  propA: string = '';
  constructor(private getDataAsyncService: GetDataAsyncService){}

  ngOnInit(): void{
      this.propA = data.propA;
  // any operation involving propA
  // code ......


  • You can achieve that by returning the Observable itself from the getData function and mapping it to the required prop, instead of subscribe to it, like the following:

    export class GetDataAsyncService {
      constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) {}
      getData(): Observable<any> {
          map((val) => val.propA)
    export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
      propA: string = '';
      constructor(private getDataAsyncService: GetDataAsyncService) {}
      ngOnInit(): void {
        this.getDataAsyncService.getAsyncData().subscribe((propA) => {
          this.propA = propA;