The NPM when i created some changes in blocks or something else .. the changes not working , and this my gutenberg.php
function MyBlocks()
wp_register_script('blocks-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/build/index.js', array('wp-blocks' , 'wp-editor' , 'wp-components' ));
register_block_type('yusuf/custom-cta', array('editor_script' => 'blocks-js'));
// register_block_type('yusuf/custom-pro', array('editor_script' => 'blocks-js'));
// register_block_type("yusuf/statics" , array('editor_script' => 'blocks-js'));
add_action('init', 'MyBlocks');
I commented the blocks and still shows up , and removed it from build/index.js too , and still shows up , i want know why it happened with me ! And already the "NPM START" Runs
it's all In browser cache .. you can use a private browser or cleaning the browser cache every time you try to make any change .. and you will see your updates seems good