Currently I got this abi:
const stakingAbi = [
'function getStakes(address user) external view returns (Stake[] memory)',
'function stake7Days(uint128 _amount) external whenNotPaused',
'function stake14Days(uint128 _amount) external whenNotPaused',
'function stake30Days(uint128 _amount) external whenNotPaused',
'function stake90Days(uint128 _amount) external whenNotPaused'
The Stake
struct looks like this:
struct Stake {
uint16 bonusPercentage;
uint40 unlockTimestamp;
uint128 amount;
bool withdrawn;
Currently the getStakes function doesn't work because Ethers doesn't know what Stake[]
is, how do I define this in the ABI?
Specifying structs in the human-readable ABI format is still not supported in ethers.js. See
You would need to use the JSON ABI format:
Alternatively, you work around it by returning an array of tuples:
function getStakes(address user) external view returns (tuple(uint16 bonusPercentage, uint40 unlockTimestamp, uint128 amount, bool withdrawn)[] memory)
Or tuple of arrays:
function getStakes(address user) external view returns (uint16[] memory, uint40[] memory, uint128[] memory, bool[] memory)