Have tried a variety of things but nothing is quite working...
I have the following code:
correctList(id, e) {
if (this.regex.test(e.key)) {
this.correctLetters.push([e.key, id]);
(array) => {
if (this.filteredWords.length > 1) {
this.filteredList = this.filteredWords.filter((word) => word.indexOf(array[0]) === array[1]);
} else {
this.filteredList = this.FiveLetterWords.filter((word) => word.indexOf(array[0]) === array[1]);
Where 'this.correctLetters[]' is:
[[e,0], [l,1], [d,2]...]
This is built up using inputs and the order they are typed is the index number ( the 0, 1, 2 in the arrays)
'this.filteredWords' is:
["cigar", "rebut", "sissy", "humph", "awake", "blush", "focal", "evade", "naval", "serve", "heath", "dwarf", "model", "karma", "stink", "grade", "quiet", "bench", "abate", "feign", "major", "death", "fresh", "crust", "stool", "colon", "abase", "marry", "react", "batty", "pride", "floss", "helix", "croak", "staff", "paper", "unfed", "whelp", "trawl", "outdo", "adobe", "crazy", "sower", "repay", "digit", "crate", "cluck", "spike", "mimic", "elder".....]
There are many more, but not really relevant to list all for question
My problem is the filter... Take the Word "elder"... If I type "e", "l" , "d", then I will get the list filters by words starting with "e", then filtered by words starting "el" and then filtered but words staring "eld".But as soon as I type "elde", it filters the array to empty (which I understand is technically correct due to my filtering method currently) and then if I type "elder", I will get all words ending in "r".
So essentially I understand my problem is the indexOf(() part of things as it`s only matching the first instance of the letter in the word, but I want to filter on words where the letter === the index of that letter but I am not sure how to change things. So if I type E R then right ow, I get only ending in R words, I want any words ending ER, including any that START with E also, or have another E in there...
Hopefully this makes some sense, am going round in circles with this.... Somebody suggested regex, but my first few attempts didn`t help, but possibly doing it wrong...
EDIT: Sort of fixed it with:
correctList(id, e) {
if (this.regex.test(e.key)) {
this.correctLetters.push([e.key, id]);
(array) => {
if (this.filteredWords.length > 1) {
this.filteredList = this.filteredWords.filter(
(word) => {
const wordSplit = word.split('');
return wordSplit[array[1]] === array[0];
} else {
this.filteredList = this.FiveLetterWords.filter(
(word) => {
const wordSplit = word.split('');
return wordSplit[array[1]] === array[0];
But not sure if there is a more elegant method...
To get the set of words that have the given letters in the given positions, just do this...
filteredList = FiveLetterWords.filter(
word => correctLetters.reduce(
(prev, [letter, index]) => prev && (word[index] === letter),