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How to write a query conditionally in laravel?

I am new to the laravel, i am joining three tables based on conditions every thing is working fine but i need to write conditionally if the $field is array it should run with whereIn otherwise it should run where condition,can you please help me to acheive this thing

//$field sometimes it's an array sometimes it's a string.
public function find($field){


  • For conditional constraints, you can use the when() clause:

    $query = DB::table(...);
    $data = $query
        ->when(is_array($field), function ($query) use ($field) {
            $query->whereIn('my_field', $field);
        }, function ($query) use ($field) {
            $query->where('my_field', $field);

    Now, as a tip, you could do this: Wrap the $fields variables to an array and then use always the whereIn clause. You can achieve this with the Arr::wrap() function:

    use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
    // ...
    $query = DB::table(...);
    $data = $query
        ->whereIn('my_field', Arr::wrap($field))

    PS: I have linked the relevant functions to the docs so you can know how they work and their params.