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How to Create a Custom Scrollbar in UWP?

I need to create a custom Scrollbar in UWP ? But I can't find any clear logic to calculate Scrollbar thumb width and Position. What I have tried ?



VisibleLength -> viewable area width  
TotalLength -> Total Content width  
ScrollRegionWidth -> Scrollbar width - (2 x ArrowWidth)  (or) Thumb Track width
ScrollLeft -> how much content scrolled !! 

Is it correct ? I tried like this . But the scrollbar thumb won't goes to end of thumb track while my whole content is scrolled to end !

I need to create a custom Scrollbar and how to do it ? I need complete logic for thumb width and position .


  • How to Create a Custom Scrollbar in UWP?


    Your first line is correct. and you could verify it with VisibleLength = TotalLength, then ThumbWidth will fill all the ScrollRegion.


    But the second line looks not correct, Thumb's start position should be left top, the ScrollRegion should be (ScrollRegionWidth - ThumbWidth).
