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Azure FaceAPI Face is Not Found in Android Java

I am trying to build a face recognition attendance system using Azure FaceAPI. I created a face list. Then, I downloaded the images' URLs from firebase and then used the detection method to detect each face. I added each face to the face list. Finally, I wanted to test findSimilar method by giving it an existing face with the faces UUID array. These are some parts of the code (I used a thread for each call)

private FaceServiceClient faceServiceClient=new FaceServiceRestClient("",key); 
faceServiceClient.createFaceList(faceListId, "mylist", "recognition_04");
// in a loop from i=0 --> i < no of images
faces= faceServiceClient.detect(Urls.get(i), false, false, null);
facesIds.add( faceServiceClient.addFacesToFaceList(faceListId, Urls.get(i), null, faces[0].faceRectangle).persistedFaceId);
faceServiceClient.findSimilar(id,ids, 1 );

I printed out all the IDs and checked that they exist. However, it always gives an error after calling findSimilar method. Face is not found.

Can someone please tell me what the problem is?


  • The answer was simply that findSimilar method takes the ID of detected face not a faceID from the faceList. For me, I used an existing faceID just to test. However, I had to detect a face then get its ID.

    faceServiceClient.findSimilar(id,ids, 1 );

    Summary: Replace 'id' with detected face ID.