I'm porting a custom shader to make it work on mobile phones since shaders inside mobiles can not have if statements.
I tried replacing the if statements of my code with the ?
operator but I can not compile in Unity without errors. I'm pretty new to c# so it is obvious to myself I am missing something here to complete this.
Any advice from more experienced programmers here? Many thanks to you all.
// The original code is commented.
I also tried to store the result inside a variable and return it but also didn't work.
if (charCol.r > .8f)
if(_monochromatic == 1)
return float4(0, gray, 0, 1);
return col;
return col * _brightness;
charCol.r > .8f ? (_monochromatic == 1) ? return float4(0, gray, 0, 1) : return col : return col * _brightness;
Error message:
Shader error in 'Custom/Shader': syntax error: unexpected token 'return'
You should return
as below:
return charCol.r > .8f
? ((_monochromatic == 1) ? float4(0, gray, 0, 1) : col)
: col * _brightness;
Small opinion:
Even you can return value with the ternary operator, you may get a headache if the logic is complex and difficult to maintain.