I have a table that has "projects" that have this field workspace which takes an array of strings. So I have converted this to store a single character
create table("projects") do
add(:name, :string, null: false)
add(:title, :string, null: false)
add(:workspaces, {:array, :string})
I have written this migration to store a single string
alter table(:projects) do
modify(:workspace, :string)
I want to run this migration but also I want to update all the data which is stored in the database. I need to update all the workspace data to store a single string.
Suppose if workspace has this value {value1, value2}
. It will look for value1 and if that is found it will store the value1 otherwise it will store value2
This is how {value1, value2}
it is stored in the database table. So when we load it in elixir it looks something like this ["value1", "value2"]
What can I do here?
If I understood correctly, you want to change the workspaces
array column to a workspace
string column that contains the first element of the array. If that is the case you can do something like this in a migration:
# Add the `workspace` column:
alter table(:projects) do
add(:workspace, :string)
# Set the value of the new column:
UPDATE projects SET workspace = CASE
WHEN 'value1' = ANY(workspaces) THEN 'value1'
WHEN 'value2' = ANY(workspaces) THEN 'value2'
ELSE 'default_value'
# Remove the old column
alter table(:projects) do