I am trying to convert a string to json string.
String I get:
String myJSON = '{codigo: 1050, decricao: Mage x, qntd: 1, tipo: UN, vUnit: 10,9, vTotal: 10,90}';
String I need:
String myJSON = '{"codigo": "1050", "decricao": "Mage x", "qntd": "1", "tipo": "UN", "vUnit": "10,9", "vTotal": "10,90"}';
Could someone shed some light on how I can add the quotes?
You can easily convert a String using replaceAll
String myJSON = '{codigo: 1050, decricao: Mage x, qntd: 1, tipo: UN, vUnit: 10,9, vTotal: 10,90}';
myJSON = myJSON.replaceAll('{', '{"');
myJSON = myJSON.replaceAll(': ', '": "');
myJSON = myJSON.replaceAll(', ', '", "');
myJSON = myJSON.replaceAll('}', '"}');
{"codigo": "1050", "decricao": "Mage x", "qntd": "1", "tipo": "UN", "vUnit": "10,9", "vTotal": "10,90"}