I am creating my own custom "wrapper" around a chakraui component, so I can add my own props, methods and whatever I might need later on.
However, one downside of doing this is that I don't get suggestions for the imported chakraui-Button proptypes in Visual Studio Code, but only the new proptype "testPropColor". The other properties are still working, but is there any way of passing them further down so I can see them as suggestions as well?
What I have is this: custom-component/button.js
import { Button as ChakraButton } from '@chakra-ui/react'
export default function Button(properties) {
const { testPropColor, children, ...props } = properties
return (
<ChakraButton color="testPropColor" {...props}>
And how I am using this in a view:
import Button from 'custom-component/Button'
export default function ViewComponent() {
return (
Javascript doesn't come with type
support. So no type
-intellisense in VSCode.
I highly highly highly suggest adding TypeScript
to your JS React project.
interface ButtonProps extends ChakraButton {
// you need to get the `ChakraButton` properties type, from '@chakra-ui/react'.
// You should be able to import it.
testPropColor: string;
bg: string;
export function Button(properties: ButtonProps) {
Just a quick article I found for example here.
If for some reason you don't add TS(?!. you really should) -> then there's prop-types, but I don't suggest using it, compared to TS.
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
Good luck